Carron Valley & District Community Council (CVDCC) is made up of residents living in the local area who volunteer their time, skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to make the local community an even better place to live, work and enjoy.
The CVDCC meets the first Wednesday of every month* to discuss and take action on local issues. Residents are welcome, and are encouraged, to join in with these meetings. Whether it be to listen in and find out more about what the CVDCC does; to input on a specific topic which is being discussed; or to raise an item of importance which you would like the Community Councils support on. Meetings currently take place via Zoom, the link can be obtained by emailing the Secretary and minutes of all previous meetings can be found via the links below.
Along side CVDCC Councillors and other residents, monthly meetings are attended by the areas elected representatives, local Police officers and Stirling Council representatives, along with other guests as relevant to the topics on the agenda.
*The CC does not meet in January, July or August.
Earlsburn Extension; Public Exhibitions November 19th
As you will be aware we have been in consultation with statutory bodies regarding the Earlsburn Extension. And following the community consultation on our original proposals for an 11-turbine scheme, we made changes to the project, reducing the number of turbines to 7, all at a lower tip height.
The exhibitions will be held as follows;
Gargunnock Community Hall, Leckie Rd, Gargunnock, Stirling FK8 3BJ; 12.30-3pm, and
Cambusbarron Bowling Club St Ninians Rd, Cambusbarron, Stirling FK7 9NU; 4.30-7pm.
The exhibitions are being held so you can
- Learn more about our revised proposals
• Hear why we think this is a suitable site
• Get answers to questions you may have
• Meet the Project Team and discuss the proposals
• Give us your ideas for the Community Benefit Scheme
• Provide your feedback and learn what the next steps are in the process
We hope to see you along at the exhibitions. I
In the meantime if you have any questions please get in touch.
A new Wind Farm on Cairnoch Hill
Eurowind Energy have lodged a Proposal of Application Notice with Stirling Council for the installation of up to 4 turbines, up to 200m tall on Cairnoch Hill. There will be 2 Public Exhibitions in November and 2 in 2025.
The first is in Fintry Sports Club on the 26th Nov 2024 and the second in the King Robert Hotel Stirling on the 27th November 2024. Both meetings will give the opportunity for comments and feedback.
Historic Sites Scotland – information in link below.
Historic Sundays
Self Directed Support
Please see information below.
Self Directed Support Forth Valley
Please see this page for updates on planning applications.
Local Place Plan
Our ambition
A Local Place Plan will be developed for the Carron Valley area over the next few months. Your help is needed to ensure the voice of the community is reflected and listened to. Initially we will focus on the current projects e.g. Community woodland, and Community meeting room. We will also be looking to develop new proposals. Your ideas will be required and all suggestions welcome. We need to be aspirational and ambitious for our Community, to propose future changes that we wish to see. A consensus will be required to take ideas forward.
What is a Local place plan?
This is a Scottish Government approach referred to as the NEW Scottish Planning System. It provides local communities with the opportunity to raise issues and proposals we may wish to see developed across our communities.
What do you need to do?
Please contact us to let us know your views and ideas. Talk to your neighbours to see what the issues and challenges are within your local Community of Carron Valley and District. We cannot make any promises that your suggestions will be delivered. However, IF WE DON’T ASK, WE WON’T GET.
Please populate the template below and return it to the Community Council, contact us email:, or share your views at the next Community events.
Local Place Plan template PPL 111124
Please also note there is a live survey that you may also want to input into. This is to help us start the process of producing the new Local Development Plan (LDP), we want your views to inform the preparation of an Evidence Report. This is an initial information gathering stage that will lay the foundations for the new LDP. Please find the link here:
Self-Build Register
Self-build housing is where an individual (whether acting alone or with other individuals) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once it is built. We now invite you to register your interest by completing the registration form available through this link:
We hope to be in touch again soon, however if you have any questions please email “