Update January 2025

Young person’s and Warm up/costs down grant schemes closed.

We received TEN more young person’s grant applications and FIVE warm up/costs down grant applications over the past month.

The budget for these grants has now been fully allocated so these schemes are now closed until the start of VRG’s new financial year in July.

There will be an announcement nearer the time as it may be necessary to revise budgets following an unprecedented demand for grants since July last year.


December 2024

Children and Young Person’s grant scheme reopened.

We are pleased to announce that unspent funds from another budget have been transferred so this grant is now reopen for applications.

Update October 2024. Closure of some grant schemes

As Energy Efficiency grants have proved to be extremely popular this financial year, the allocated budget for these grants is now completely spent.

Funding for these comes from the Craigengelt wind farm. Until such time as more funding becomes available this grant scheme is closed. Residents will be advised via the newsletter, website and Facebook group Carron Valley Connections when it reopens.

We have decided that it is impracticable to run a waiting list.

Please note we are unable to accept retrospective applications. If you choose to do the work in the meantime you cannot apply for a grant when the scheme reopens.

Residents wishing to do Energy Efficiency work on their homes are encouraged to try Home Energy Scotland.


Ebike grant closed

Please note that the budget for this grant has been fully-allocated for this financial year.

Please note that Bursaries, Warm up/costs down, Children and Young person’s and Get the Valley Growing grant schemes currently still have funds available.

Update July 2024

Some changes have been made to the grant schemes – please check individual grants for full details.

  • The Energy Efficiency Grant is now open to previous recipients. It is now for up to £2000 per household. New criteria now applies. Please check the grant page for details.
  • Successful grants can now be paid upfront if a quote is supplied. This includes the Get the Valley growing grant scheme.
  • The Warm up, costs down grant is now £200 and is open year long.
  • The Children and Young Person’s’ grant scheme is now £400 and can be used for an ongoing interest/hobby.


Funding cycles

Following discussion at the Board it has been decided that grants will now run with VRG’s financial year July – June. A resident may apply for one grant in each category in each financial year.

Please note that a grant scheme may be closed if the funds are spent early, applicants will then have to wait until July. It is first come, first served.

As well as the guidelines on the website please note the following:-

Grant applications should be made PRIOR to work being done or items purchased. Retrospective applications can only be approved in exceptional circumstances.


As ever if you have any queries contact our Admin Assistant on admin@valleyrenewables.co.uk


VRG is proud to administer a diverse range of grant programmes for the benefit of the Carron Valley & District Area community.

Using community benefit funds provided by local wind farm developments, VRG independently manages, assesses and administers grant programmes for: community projects, households, young people, student bursaries, and new ventures within the Carron Valley and District Area.

All funds distributed by VRG go to projects or works which support VRG’s objectives. To be eligible applicants must be resident in the Carron Valley & District Area or the project must be of benefit to residents in the area.

Details of our current funding streams and how you can apply are be found below.  If you have any questions regarding your eligibility or a project idea please contact us

Please note that EV charging points are not eligible for VRG grants. Information on Government Grants can be found here: Government-grants-for-low-emission-vehicles

VRG reserves the right to close or amend its grant schemes at any time.

Household energy efficiency grants

Please note that this grant scheme is currently closed as the budget has been fully allocated.


This grant is currently closed as the budget has been fully-allocated for this financial year.

Warm Up, Costs Down Grant

This grant has scheme is closed until further notice as the budget has been fully allocaed for this financial year.



Student Bursary Scheme 

This grant scheme is now closed as all of the money has been allocated for this financial year.

New Venture Fund

This grant aims to advance self-sufficiency and resilience to a changing society and environment, and to encourage enterprise within the Carron Valley & District Community Council (CVDCC) area.

Get the Valley Growing Grant Scheme

Supporting residents to start growing their own fruit and vegetables, introducing young children to food growing, helping residents to expand their own food growing capacity, supporting residents to continue gardening if age/disability is a barrier.

Community Grants 

Small Community Grants of up to £5,000 and Large Community Grants over £5,000 available to Community Projects which benefit residents of the Carron Valley & District Area.

Children & Young Peoples Grant

This grant scheme is closed until further notice as the budget has been fully allocated for this financial year.

Household Grant Scheme

This scheme has now closed.

Please see the new Energy Efficiency, E-bike and the Get the valley growing grant schemes.