Get Involved

We’ve been privileged over the years to have had many members the community take an active role in the VRG either as a Director or a community member of one of our Sub Groups. It’s the dedication, ideas and inspiration of our residents that give VRG its value to the community, it is a community led and managed organisation.

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming involved with VRG, as a community member of a Sub Group, or as a Trustee/Director we’d be delighted to hear from you. 

VRG is a membership organisation, open to all residents of the region over the age of 16. Membership is encouraged and entitles you to attend our Annual General Meetings, vote in any elections for the Board of Directors and (if eligible)  stand for election to the Board. Over a third of residents are currently members having an active say in the operations of their community development trust. You can become a member by completing and submitting the form below.

We actively encourage you to use your voice via the VRG on the subject of wind farm benefits and how they are spent within our community. Our aim is to get as many residents as possible to join our group and decide which projects we should focus on and provide feedback for our decision making. Membership is on an individual basis rather than on a household basis with more than one-third of our community currently members.

If you are over the age of sixteen and permanently live within the Carron Valley & District ward you may apply to become a member of the Valley Renewables Group. This entitles you to attend our Annual General Meetings, vote in any elections for the Board of Directors and to stand for election to the Board if you are eligible as per Companies House rules and wish to contribute to the Valley Renewables Group.

Membership costs £3, and is valid for as long as you continue to live within Carron Valley & District . If you wish to join please download and complete this Individual Member Application Form and return it to the Secretary with your payment.

Membership Application Form - PDF Membership Application Form - Word Director Application Form - Word Contact Us