The Carron Valley Biodiversity Project has been set up by local residents Esther and Adam Brooker. It aims to find out how many species of flora and fauna are found in the area, and to track trends in populations.

Not only is it fascinating to see how many different species there are across the project area, gathering sightings allows changes and new threats to our native wildlife to be identified and can be very helpful in the protection and conservation of the natural environment.

The project is hosted on the free citizen science app ‘iNaturalist’, which is run by the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic. Everyone is encouraged to take part and to record sightings across the region, whether you are a seasoned wildlife spotter or just starting out.

Sightings can be added from anywhere in the project area, when you are out and about or in your own garden. You don’t need to be an expert in identifying wildlife to take part, far from it. If you are not sure what you have found, once you have posted a photo of the animal or plant that you spotted the app will suggest an ID, which will then be verified (or corrected) by experts from across the world. Then, next time you see it, you will know what it is.

In May 2021 the project had close to 300 observations, of over 160 species, ranging from Ospreys to orange-tip butterflies, red crossbills to cucumber spiders. Newts and pine martins have also been spotted.

To take part you can join i-Naturalist for free via the app or desktop and search for the Carron Valley Biodiversity Project. Creating an account is quick and simple and will allow you to start logging your sightings immediately. You can also see recording sightings on the i-Naturalist project page without needing to log in.

Sightings can be recorded live (i.e. take a photo from the app and upload it immediately) or by taking a photo and uploading it later. For any questions or if you need help getting started, please use the ‘Contact Us’ button.


Esther Brooker & Adam Brooker


iNaturalist – Carron Valley Biodiversity Project

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