Pomona Day 2024

Pomona Day Saturday 26 October 2024 12-4pm

Pomona Day is now a well-loved autumn event in the Valley, a chance to share produce, chat and excellent food. 

Don’t miss the event of the season!


What’s on this year?

  • Apple scratter and fruit press. Bring along your washed fruit and turn it into juice which you can drink on the spot, or take home with you. Don’t forget to bring clean bottles, even sterilised if you want to keep the juice longer.


  • Children’s Activities.


  • There will be the traditional delicious barbeque provided by Jennifer Willgerod. She is promising a pulled-pork theme this year. Pulled veg? Maybe!


    • Bring and share produce table – bring any goodies you have grown or made and sample other offerings. You can donate these or ask for payment, it is up to you! Last year we sent a substantial cheque to Strathcarron Hospice.


  • Advice table -Lynsey Payne, from Appletree Man, will be on hand to help with all things apple related. Do you have apples in your garden you can’t identify? Do any have spots or cracks? What verities is it best to plant for your position? How and when do I prune?


Lynsey will answer your questions and give expert advice. She may bring along some fruit trees for sale, so if you are in market to stock up, or restock, remember to bring some cash.


  • And last, but not least, time to catch up with neighbours old and new.

There will be toilets on site and a pavilion if the weather is not kind.

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